Module vim

Neovim utilities module


map (mode, key, action, opts) Map a keybind for the Neovim instance
mapExists (mode, key) Check if a keybind exist for the Neovim instance
getMap (mode, key) Get a keybind details for the Neovim instance
unmap (mode, key, opts) Unmap a keybind for the Neovim instance
getOption (option, opts) Get the value of an option for the Neovim instance
setOption (option, value, opts) Set the value of an option for the Neovim instance
isStringBeforeCursor (str) Check if a string is preceding the current cursor position


map (mode, key, action, opts)
Map a keybind for the Neovim instance


  • mode string|table The mode(s) the key bind will created for. Use * for all
  • key string The key combination that will trigger the binding
  • action string|function The action that will take place when the binding is being triggered
  • opts

    ? table Additional options passed to vim.keymap.set function

       opts.buffer: Local buffer mapping. Buffer id. When 0 or true, take current buffer<br/>
       opts.remap: erase any previous mapping<br/>
       opts.desc: human-readable description<br/>
       opts.replace_keycodes: replace keycodes in the resulting string. true if expr is true<br/>
       opts.nowait: Do not wait if another key bing use the same start of key<br/>
       opts.silent: Do not produce any message<br/>
       opts.script: Remap only mappings starting with <SID><br/>
       opts.expr: Treat the keybind as an expression<br/>
       opts.unique: Do not erase the previous mapping if any before it


error if mode is not a string or a table
error if mode does not have a valid value
error if key is not a string
error if action is not a string
error if opts is given and is not a table


    map("i", "jk", "<ESC>", { nowait = true })
mapExists (mode, key)
Check if a keybind exist for the Neovim instance


  • mode string The mode the key bind should be set for
  • key string The key combination the key bind should be triggered by


    boolean # true if a keybind exists for the given mode and key, false otherwise


error if mode is not a string
error if mode does not have a valid value
error if key is not a string


    map("i", "jk", "<ESC>")
    mapExists("i", "jk") -- true
    mapExists("i", "notset") -- false
getMap (mode, key)
Get a keybind details for the Neovim instance


  • mode string The mode to get the keybind in
  • key string The key combination defining the keybind to get


    table|nil # A valid table contains details about the keybind if the keybind exists, nil otherwise


error if mode is not a string
error if mode does not have a valid value
error if key is not a string


    map("i", "jk", "<ESC>", { nowait = true })
    print(getMap("i", "jk")) -- { mode = "i", lhs = "jk", rhs = "<Esc>", nowait = true, ... }
unmap (mode, key, opts)
Unmap a keybind for the Neovim instance


  • mode string|table The mode(s) the key bind will deleted for. Use * for all
  • key string The key combination that will be deleted
  • opts

    ? table Additional options passed to vim.keymap.del function

       opts.buffer: Local buffer mapping. Buffer id. When 0 or true, take current buffer


    boolean # true if a keybind have been deleted, false if the keybind does not exist in one of the modes


error if mode is not a string or a table
error if mode does not have a valid value
error if key is not a string
error if opts is given and is not a table


    map("i", "jk", "<ESC>", { nowait = true })
    unmap("i", "jk") -- true
    unmap("i", "notexist") -- false
getOption (option, opts)
Get the value of an option for the Neovim instance


  • option string The option name to get the value of
  • opts

    ? table Additional argument about the option

       opts.scope "global"|"local": Scope action of the option<br/> The id of the window to get the option for<br/>
       opts.buf: The number of the buffer to get the option for<br/>
       opts.filetype: Get option for a specific filetype


    string|number|boolean # Option value


error if option is not a string
error if option is not a valid option


    print(m.getOption("mouse")) -- nvi
setOption (option, value, opts)
Set the value of an option for the Neovim instance


  • option string The option name to set the value of
  • value string|number|boolean The value to set to the option
  • opts

    ? table Additional argument about the option

       opts.scope "global"|"local": Scope action of the option<br/> The id of the window to set the option for<br/>
       opts.buf: The number of the buffer to set the option for


error if option is not a string
error if option is not a valid option
error if value is not a string, number, or boolean
error if value is not valid


    m.setOption("mouse", "i")
    print(m.getOption("mouse")) -- i
isStringBeforeCursor (str)
Check if a string is preceding the current cursor position


  • str string The string to search before the current cursor position


error if str is not a string


    print(m.isStringBeforeCursor("some text preceding the cursor"))
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-08-17 23:38:16