Module table

Tables utilities module


concat (tbl1, tbl2, force) Concat tbl2 into tbl1
Values from tbl1 will be taken over values from tbl2 unless ‘force’ argument is set to true
contains (tbl, key) Check if a table contains a key
If the key is associated to a nil value, it will be considered as not here
find (tbl, value) Finds a key that is associated to the given value
The first founded key with the value will be returned
copy (tbl) Deep copy a table with all its content
allOf (tbl, fn, ...) Ensure every key/value pair of tbl produce a true return of fn
anyOf (tbl, fn, ...) Check if one of the key/value pair of tbl produce a true return of fn
noneOf (tbl, fn, ...) Check if all of tbl’s key/value pais produce a false return of fn
forEach (tbl, fn, ...) Execute a function with all key/value pair of a table


concat (tbl1, tbl2, force)
Concat tbl2 into tbl1
Values from tbl1 will be taken over values from tbl2 unless ‘force’ argument is set to true


  • tbl1 table The first table to concat the second into
  • tbl2 table The second table to concat into the first
  • force ? boolean If tbl2 values should be taking over values from tbl1


    table # A new table with tbl2 concat into tbl1


error if tbl1 is not a table
error if tbl2 is not a table
error if force is not a boolean


    local tbl1 = { one = 1, three = 3 }
    local tbl2 = { two = 2, 4 = "four" }
    local tbl3 = concat(tbl1, tbl2)
     -- tbl3 -> { one = 1, three = 3, two = 2, 4 = "four" }
contains (tbl, key)
Check if a table contains a key
If the key is associated to a nil value, it will be considered as not here


  • tbl table The table to search the key in
  • key any The key to search in the table. This cannot be nil


    boolean # true if tbl contains the key key


error if tbl is not a table
error if key is nil


    local tbl = { 1 = "one", "two" = 2 }
    if not contains(tbl, "two") then
        print("Table has no entry 'two'")
        print("Table has an entry 'two'")
find (tbl, value)
Finds a key that is associated to the given value
The first founded key with the value will be returned


  • tbl table The table to search the value in
  • value any The value to search in the table. This cannot be nil


    any|nil # The first key found with the given value if any, nil otherwise


error if tbl is not a table
error if value is nil


    local tbl = { 1 = "one", 2 = "two" }
    print(find(tbl, "two")) -- 2
copy (tbl)
Deep copy a table with all its content


  • tbl table The table to copy


    table # A new table that is a clone of tbl


error if tbl is not a table


    local tbl = { one = 1, two = 2 }
    local tbl_copy = copy(tbl)
    tbl["one"] = 11
    print(tbl["one"]) -- 11
    print(tbl_copy["one"]) -- 1
allOf (tbl, fn, ...)
Ensure every key/value pair of tbl produce a true return of fn


  • tbl table The tbl to test key/value pairs with fn
  • fn function The function to call with tbl’s key/value pairs.
    This function should return a boolean and take a key of tbl as first argument and a value of tbl as second argument
  • ... any Additional arguments to pass to fn


    boolean # true if all call of fn with each of tbl’s key/value pairs returned true, false otherwise


error if tbl is not a table
error if fn is not a function
error if fn returned something else than a boolean


    local tbl = { one = 1, two = 2 }
    if allOf(tbl, function(key, value)
        return type(value) == "number"
        print("All table values are numbers")
        print("One or more table value(s) is not a number")
anyOf (tbl, fn, ...)
Check if one of the key/value pair of tbl produce a true return of fn


  • tbl table The tbl to test key/value pairs with fn
  • fn function The function to call with tbl’s key/value pairs.
    This function should return a boolean and take a key of tbl as first argument and a value of tbl as second argument
  • ... any Additional arguments to pass to fn


    boolean # true if one of the calls of fn with each of tbl’s key/value pairs returned true, false otherwise


error if tbl is not a table
error if fn is not a function
error if fn returned something else than a boolean


    local tbl = { one = 1, two = 2, hello = "world" }
    if anyOf(tbl, function(key, value)
        return type(value) == "string"
        print("One or more of the table value(s) is a string")
        print("None of the table value is a string")
noneOf (tbl, fn, ...)
Check if all of tbl’s key/value pais produce a false return of fn


  • tbl table The tbl to test key/value pairs with fn
  • fn function The function to call with tbl’s key/value pairs.
    This function should return a boolean and take a key of tbl as first argument and a value of tbl as second argument
  • ... any Additional arguments to pass to fn


    boolean # true if none of the calls of fn with each of tbl’s key/value returned true, false otherwise


error if tbl is not a table
error if fn is not a function
error if fn returned something else than a boolean


    local tbl = { one = 1, two = 2 }
    if noneOf(tbl, function(key, value)
        return type(value) == "string"
        print("The table does not contains string values")
forEach (tbl, fn, ...)
Execute a function with all key/value pair of a table


  • tbl table The tbl to test key/value pairs with fn
  • fn function The function to call with tbl’s key/value pairs.
    This function should take a key of tbl as first argument and a value of tbl as second argument
  • ... any Additional arguments to pass to fn


error if tbl is not a table
error if fn is not a function


    local tbl = { one = 1, two = 2 }
    forEach(tbl, function(key, value)
        print(key .. ": " .. value)
     -- one: 1
     -- two: 2
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-08-17 23:38:16